Food Drive: Have Your Cake and Feed Them, Too!
We are happy October is finally here, but even happier because all month long we are hosting a food drive for Matthew's Crossing, a local food bank committed to feeding over 3,500 people each month. Please help us gather food and we'll give you a chance to win some awesome prizes and get free cake. Stop by our shop in Gilbert with canned/boxed food items and we'll give you the following:
1 raffle ticket per item – (max 10 per visit per customer)
1 free cake CUTS® per 12 items – (max one per customer per visit; $4.99 value excludes premium flavors)
Custom Holiday Cake (one winner; choose cake up to $100 value)
Bunch O' CUTS® 5 pack (two winners; pick your flavors)
Cake Pie (two winners; pick your flavor)
*Total of five raffle winners will be contacted within the first week of November. Prizes MUST be claimed in-store by the end of this year. Email, name, and phone # required for entry.